Welling Court Mural Project: A New Fresh Face for the Historic Project

Districts across the country and globe dedicated to murals and promoting artistic freedom are now commonplace — due to the success of pioneering projects like Welling Court Mural Project NYC.

The story goes —in the Fall of 2009, Jonathan and Georgina Ellis, residents of Welling Court at that time, reached out to Ad Hoc Art NYC in Brooklyn to see if they could help them beautify their neighborhood. 13 years later, the project has been featured on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon and numerous publications.

The branding strategy was simple and we chose a sans-serif type that had a modern simplistic nature that allowed it to stand alone with brand recognition as the WCMP acronym.

We then created a bright and fun layered social avatar for the project’s social media combining some of the contributing murals as background collage and meshing the graphic duotone for an edgy 80s vibe. Loved how it turned out.

The site was a Squarespace site kept simple and easy to navigate with an impressive list of notable graffitti artists making the list of Legendary Artists. It’s neat to see the impact the project has had on other towns NOW doing similar things and think this project has uber potential for the long game.


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